How Many Neon Tetras Should You Put In a Fish Tank
When I started growing neon tetras in my fish tank, the first question I had was how many of them could I keep together. At first, my school of tetras was too small, and they…
When I started growing neon tetras in my fish tank, the first question I had was how many of them could I keep together. At first, my school of tetras was too small, and they…
I have some guppies and I wanted to get some tank mates for them. Then I considered getting some cherry shrimp. I like cherry shrimp and I thought that cherry shrimp might look great with…
Maybe you’ve thought about adding aquarium driftwood to your aquarium. It’s great for a natural-looking tank and gives your fish plenty of hiding places. But then you looked up how much a piece of driftwood…
I’ve been thinking of taking a vacation even though I own several guppies. Then I wondered how the guppies could get food. I found something called an automatic vacation feeder for fish. Then I searched…
I got some guppies and I needed a good aquarium heater for them. I didn’t know of any aquarium heaters so I searched google to find out what the best aquarium heaters are. Now that…
I just got some goldfish and they are rather messy. So I wanted to get a really good filter for my aquarium. I searched google to find out the best aquarium filters. Now that I…