can guppies live with angelfish

Can Guppies Live With Angelfish

As an experienced aquarist, I have received numerous inquiries from fish enthusiasts regarding the compatibility of different species in their aquariums. One common question is whether guppies can coexist peacefully with angelfish. This is a valid concern as both species have different temperaments, sizes, and requirements. In this blog post, I will provide you with a comprehensive answer to the question, “Can guppies live with angelfish?” I will draw from my years of experience and knowledge in the field to provide you with a clear and accurate answer that will help you create a harmonious and thriving aquarium environment.

Yes, guppies can live with angelfish in the same aquarium. However, it is important to note that there are certain factors that need to be considered to ensure the coexistence of these species. Firstly, the size of the aquarium should be large enough to accommodate both species comfortably. Additionally, the water conditions, diet, and temperament of both species should also be taken into account. With proper planning and care, it is possible to have a successful and thriving aquarium with both guppies and angelfish.

However, there is more to this topic than just the simple answer. In the following sections of this blog post, I will dive deeper into the specifics of keeping guppies and angelfish together. I will discuss the different considerations for their coexistence, such as tank size, water parameters, and feeding habits. Additionally, I will also share tips and tricks that will help you maintain a healthy and balanced aquarium. By the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to keep guppies and angelfish together and create a beautiful and thriving aquatic environment. So keep reading to learn more!

Why Should You Avoid Keeping Guppies And Angelfish Together?

Keeping angelfish and guppies in the same tank is a bad idea. They have different needs and behaviors that make them incompatible. Here are some of the main reasons why you should avoid mixing them:


Guppies and angelfish have very different personalities. Sadly, this puts guppies at a disadvantage.

Guppies are ideal for beginners because they are very friendly and easy to get along with. They don’t mind sharing a tank with other fish. Angelfish, on the other hand, can be quite hostile. They often chase away or attack other fish that enter their space.

This means that guppies can face a lot of harassment from angelfish. And without an escape route, some guppies might not survive the angelfish’s aggression.

(Find out whether guppies and bettas can get along


The huge size gap between the two fish is another problem. Guppies are tiny, only 2-3 centimeters long. Angelfish can grow up to 15 centimeters or more.

Guppies are slow swimmers, so angelfish might mistake them for food. Smaller guppies are more likely to be eaten by bigger angelfish.

And it’s not just about the guppies’ safety. If you put angelfish with guppies, your tank might be too small for them. Angelfish need to be in pairs, but they also need their own space. They shouldn’t be in a tank less than 114 liters.

The Guppy Fry Will Be Eaten

This could be good or bad depending on your perspective. Guppies are livebearers and they can produce a lot of fry in your tank.

If you’re sensitive, then you might not like the idea of all the fry being eaten (which they will). But if you’re not, then you’ll be happy to know they’ll make a great snack for your angelfish.

But this also has some drawbacks. You might not be able to tell how much your angelfish is eating, and they could end up eating too much. This can lead to constipation and swim bladder disease which can kill them.

They Prefer Different Water Hardness

Another thing to consider is that guppies and angelfish prefer different water hardness levels (which is often ignored). Guppies like soft water, while angelfish like water that is slightly harder.

If you put them in your tank, and the water hardness doesn’t suit both of them, then they are more likely to get sick.

How Can You Keep Them Together

If you still want to keep angelfish and guppies together, there is a good way to do it, and some other ways (that you should avoid). Here’s how to keep guppies and angelfish together in the best way.

Use a Tank Divider

You’ll need a very large tank to do this, but if you really want to keep the two fish together then you should use a tank divider. You’ll need to find the right fit for your tank, but when you do it will work wonders.

It will prevent your fish from reaching each other, but at the same time, you’ll be able to enjoy both your guppies and your angelfish!

You can click this link to buy a tank divider from amazon. 

If You Still Plan On Keeping Them Together

Keeping guppies and angelfish together is not a good idea, but some people might still want to try it. If you are one of them, here are some tips to make it less risky for your fish.

However, remember that this is not a guarantee of success and it is unfair to put your fish in such a stressful situation.

First of all, you need a very large tank (at least 50 gallons). This will give your fish more space to avoid each other and lower the chances of the angelfish becoming aggressive.

Secondly, you need LOTS of plants and decorations. These will help create hiding places for your guppies and break the line of sight for your angelfish. When choosing plants, pick ones that are dense enough to block the angelfish but not too dense for the guppies. Some good options are java moss, java ferns, anubias, and hornwort.

And finally, you need a backup tank ready. Chances are that keeping guppies and angelfish together will not work out well. If you don’t want your guppies to become food for your angelfish, you should be prepared to move them to another tank as soon as possible.

What Fish Can You Keep With Angelfish

Angelfish are not solitary fish. You can keep them with many other fish in your aquarium without any problems. Here are some things to consider:

Similarly Sized Fish

Choose fish that are about the same size as your angelfish. This way, your angelfish will be less likely to attack or swallow them. Size matters when it comes to keeping fish together peacefully.

Fish With The Right Aggression Levels

Another thing to consider is the temperament of the fish. You don’t want fish that are too mean or too timid. Mean fish may harass and nip your angelfish’s fins. Timid fish may get stressed and bullied by your angelfish.

Look for fish that are friendly and sociable, but also confident and assertive.

Compatible Angelfish Tank Mates

Some of the best tank mates for your angelfish are:

  • Corydoras Catfish
  • Plecos
  • Platies
  • Loaches
  • Mollies

These fish can live well with your angelfish, without causing any trouble or being troubled by them. They will help keep your tank calm and happy.

(Find out what are the best guppy tank mates by clicking this link).


Angelfish and guppies are not a good match, and you should never put them in a tank together. The only way to do this safely is to use a tank divider to keep them apart.

The main reason for this is that your angelfish will bully your guppies. But don’t worry, there are many other tank mates that you can choose for your angelfish, such as corydora catfish, platies, mollies, plecos and loaches!

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